How to Start Composting in 6 Easy Steps

We’re all about reducing waste at Hungry Harvest, which is why we started composting in our office! Now every peach pit and old coffee ground has a home. Composting was a bit intimidating at first, but we quickly learned how simple it can be! If you’re looking to reduce waste in your life, look no further.

Here are six quick steps to start composting at home:

1. Educate yourself on why composting matters!
One third of landfill waste is made up of stuff that could’ve been composted. Can you believe that!? Compost does wonders for our environment - it can act as soil conditioner, recycle kitchen and yard waste, add nutrients to the earth, work as an alternative to chemical fertilizers, and most importantly, reduce landfill waste!

2. Decide what you’re going to do with the compost.
Compost provides rich nutrients for soil and can do wonders for your garden out back. If you live in the city or don’t have much green around, don’t fret! There are services that will pick up your compost for you and give it a much needed home, like Compost Cab!

3. Get started! Pick a spot and a place to compost away.
A trash can with a regular lid unfortunately won’t keep the smells out! You’ll need an enclosed bin. Check out this compost collecting bin on Amazon for about $13.

4. Feed your compost!
You can compost a surprising amount of stuff. Think table scraps, egg shells, orange peels, tea leaves, coffee grounds, garden weeds, and even hair from your hairbrush! Check out The Green Recycler’s list 75 Things You Can Compost for all of the ideas. It’s also important to educate yourself on what not to compost as well - big no no's are glossy or coated paper, sticky labels from produce, and synthetic fertilizer!

5. Avoid the smells.
Leaving an open box of baking soda near your compost will help neutralize the odor when you have to open your compost. However, your sealed container filled of compost should not smell when it’s closed! It’s important to know when to dump your compost. When your bin is getting full, take it to the garden or donate it to an organization that uses compost as food for crops!

6. Spread the word!
Less landfill and more compost makes for a happy planet. Do your best to educate your friends and family on why reducing waste is important! Hey, they just might be interested in a box of recovered produce too ;)

Just like that, you’re ready to master the art of composting!

What are some ways you might use your compost? Comment below!

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