Superhero Feature: Gayle
Introducing a new series where we feature our awesome heroes in our community. Sure, we're a produce delivery service - a CSA with a twist - but as you know, we are so much more. We're a community of passionate heroes. First up, we've got Gayle, who's been a hero since we were a wee little startup!
Okay, an easy question first - what's a recipe that everyone NEEDS to know about?
Cauliflower pizza crust. It tastes amazing and is the perfect gluten free alternative to pizza crust I have found.
Below is a link to the recipe I used as inspiration plus a few notes and pictures.
- I drained the cooked cauliflower in a strainer lined with a tea towel. SQUEEZE SQUEEZE SQUEEZE. Even after you think nothing more will come out, give it a mix and squeeze some more. Moisture is your enemy.
- Next time I will cook it at 400 for a little longer. The center came out a little soggy.
- This is not a quick dinner option. It took over an hour. You could prep the cauliflower in advance and put together in a half hour.
- I left out the spices from the crest and just added parmesan, salt, pepper and egg.
- My husband who is not gluten-free loved it and says it is definitely a keeper.
- Recipe is here!
My granddaughter at her 2nd birthday party with a little cowgirl hat I made for her!
How does HH benefit you?
Getting the HH delivery each week helps my husband and I make sure that we get a wide variety of fruits and vegetables each week. It also inspires me to try new recipes. I try to plan and precook meals for the week on Sundays and now I base those around our Harvest box.
Any interesting stories on how you've used your box in the past?
They do make wonderful cat traps :-). Both of our cats have claimed one.
Haha! Any fun facts about yourself?
I left the corporate IT world after 30 years to open a Local Yarn Shop in Federal Hill in 2014. I went from commuting to DC and NoVA everyday to a 2 block walk to work. I took up knitting several years ago to pass the time, get my nose out of my computer, and clear my head on the train. I love teaching others the joys and benefits of making something with your own hands.
What are your passions? What gets you excited?
Knitting, crocheting, and volunteering. I have been a volunteer at the USO at BWI Airport since 2016 and my shop is the local distribution center for Knitted Knockers, an amazing organization that provides free, very special handmade prosthesis for women who have undergone mastectomies.
Wanna be featured?
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