Hope In a Crazy World

In a crazy world, is it still possible that there’s anything good happening?

We live in a world where terrorism, protests, racism, income inequality, poverty, hunger, homelessness, and countless more societal issues are all we hear about on the news & social media. It can be overwhelming and disheartening.

The reality is: the world just isn't that bad. I believe that people are innately good. 

Let’s take Baltimore as an example.

There's been a lot of turmoil in Baltimore in 2015. Homicides, protests from years of inequality, and crime riddle the streets - according to Fox, CNN and every politician running for president (minus Martin O’Malley).

But the Baltimore I know is the one where twice as many people showed up to clean the city than actually 'rioted.’

The Baltimore I know has 50+ nonprofits working to alleviate hunger, poverty and crime with people on the ground, in the neighborhoods, talking to residents.

The Baltimore I know is not deflated by negative public opinion from shows like ‘The Wire.'

The Baltimore I know has good people, doing great things.

When I first wanted to become an entrepreneur, I didn’t want to start any normal business - but one with a social mission that would positively impact people’s lives. 

Hungry Harvest has always placed the community first and foremost. We give back to our community/society that has helped us along the way. Thus came the model of buy a bag, give a healthy meal (1.2lbs of produce). 

This Saturday, Hungry Harvest is hosting a Free Farmers Market to donate healthy fruits and vegetables to community members that need it. It’s at the Avenue Market in West Baltimore from 11-2. 

Please join us if you believe what we believe.


